Mother Knows Best…….
There’s not a week that goes by where the Lord does not show me a character issue that I need to work on in my children's lives. This week my daughters found themselves squabbling over a pencil, this was a new pencil to the Wagner household and was very desired. They both led into how each of them “had it first”, I quickly let them know that that information wouldn’t matter. My concern was for the selfishness showing in their hearts over a small piece of wood. I explained that I was seeing selfishness in their hearts and that we shouldn’t desire an item over another’s happiness, and that there is joy is giving the pencil to your sibling even if you feel you deserve it. After feeling quite successful in my attempt to make amends, I asked if one of my daughters in particular would be willing to give the pencil to her sister. She said simply, “I want that pencil, I need it.” I responded that I understood that she wanted it and may feel she needed it, but right now the best thing for her is to give it to her sibling. When I realized her heart was not changing, I went to her and calmly said, “You must understand that Mommy knows what is best for you. Right now, the pencil is not what is best. You are holding this pencil higher than pleasing God and letting your sister use it. When you keep telling me that you want it and need it, you are acting as if this pencil is the only thing that will make you happy. It has become an idol.” She cried, repented, and we prayed that God would show us idols in our heart and we went about our day.
Later that day, I found myself rethinking my conversation with my daughter. I immediately remembered something I have been asking the Lord to give to me for years now. There have been times of discontent that I have said, “Lord, I really need this. I want this. This is going to make my life easier and happier.” Yet, it has never happened. I then realized that Father knows Best. What I have been asking for is not good for me right now. He needs me content with what He has provided for me . I had also allowed my desire for something to become an idol in my heart. I can continue to pray for this request, however I now have a new perspective “Lord, in your time, if it is not best for me and you will not be glorified, I do not want it.”
Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you, saith the Lord, plans for good and not for evil to give you a future and a hope.”