Yesterday was a day that everything just went wrong. My oldest daughter had a dentist appointment for a small procedure to be done. I had asked a friend of mine to come and watch the other children. We headed out to our appointment on time (which is always a pat on the back if you know me) and as we got about 4 miles away I heard this grinding sound. At first, I thought it was the road, alas, it was not. My front tire went flat. Sigh. I called my awesome husband and he was on his way over to help me change it. I rescheduled her appointment and we waited. As we waited I couldn’t help but laugh. The night before Jason had asked me if I had plans at lunch. I had said no and he decided he was going to get our right front tire fixed because it was pretty worn. Well, the tire died about 2 hours too early. We got the tire changed and headed back home.
My friend stayed for lunch, so I was busy making chicken nuggets for 6 kiddos. I carefully pulled out my hot pizza stone from the oven. As I removed the nuggets, I was chattering away to the kids. I put a pizza on the stone and picked it up with my bare hands. I held it couple seconds before the pain registered to my brain that the stone was HOT! I ‘tossed’ it onto the stove. Sigh. My fingertips were burned. While holding them under cold water I couldn’t help but laugh. I was thankful I hadn’t dropped it on the floor or that the little ones weren’t around when I did my stone toss.
This summer I had decided I wanted to work on little projects around the house. So during baby’s nap I pulled out the can of paint that said Pure White and decided I would start the baseboards in my kitchen. I opened the can and thought I saw a hint of blue. I checked the can and it said Pure White. I called Jason just to make sure he hadn’t mixed anything in that can. He confirmed he hadn’t. I began painting one baseboard. As it dried it became VERY evident this was blue. Sigh. As I stared at the base board against my now dingy looking cabinets. I couldn’t help but laugh. I had a blue baseboard!!
I loaded the kids up and decided we were ditching the crazy day and heading to our friend’s house to swim. I got everyone changed plopped baby girl in her little pool and my phone starts ringing. Jason calling and I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, his car’s timing belt went out and he was at a shop (where he was picking up our tire) and they were needing to keep it overnight. He needed a ride home. I couldn’t help but laugh. What was going on here Lord?
We got home and I decided to end this crazy day we would throw chicken on the grill and make dinner nice and easy. Jason was busy with work so I decided I would go ahead and get the grill ready. I’ve never had much success with our grill. For whatever reason it takes awhile to ignite and I become impatient. However, today I was turning a new leaf and was going to light the grill whatever it took. I should have known by the events of my day that HE just needed to light it. I had my left hand holding the grill closed and my right hand pushing the ignite button. Click, Click, Click, Click, nothing. I let go and started again. Click, Click, Click, Boom! Fire comes out of the lid and completely burns the top of already burned fingers of my left hand. Sigh. How it didn’t catch my swimsuit cover-up on fire I owe to the Lord’s protection. As I ran my hand under cold water I couldn’t help but laugh. What a crazy, comical day!!
All too often I get frustrated when the lemons come. I know that yesterday’s events weren’t true lemons, but I felt like I had learned that things could be so much worse. In fact, I knew they could be! Sometimes it’s so easy to get bent out of shape over the little things that go wrong, however, I’m going to just laugh and learn not to take myself so seriously! Maybe I’ll keep the light blue baseboard under my sink to remind myself to laugh more!