This morning as babygirl cooed and babbled in her bed, my mind wandered to life one year ago today. I had laid in bed for 5 days with what I thought was a stomach virus. After 5 days, I wasn't getting any better I was beginning to feel worse. I knew something serious was wrong. After spending hours in the ER of probing, pricking, and many, many tests, the ER doctor informed me that my appendix had ruptured and I would have to have emergency surgery. He told me the surgeon would be in to talk to me shortly. I will tell you my first thought: $$$$$$$$.
My surgeon came in and began to explain that he was unable to remove my appendix, because it had fully ruptured and created a large abscess. He looked at me and said, "You are a lucky girl, it's a miracle that the infection didn't spread through your body." There was so much infection I most likely would have died. Instead of surgery, I had to be hospitalized for 5 days and a tube was put into my stomach to drain the infection. My appendix would have to be removed months later.
Those 5 days were the longest days of my life. Those 5 days were the most painful days of my life. Those 5 days were a time of great spiritual growth for my life. Oh, there were lots of tears and fears, but I was so comforted by not only my family, church family, and friends, but God's Word became so very real and personal to me. He was truly sovereign. He would take care of me. He would take care of feeding my newborn. He would take care of my children. Because He knew my need before I ever did.
I was discharged from the hospital on Christmas Eve. While, I do not remember most of the time in the hospital or the following days after. I can remember reuniting with my children and the tears that came, thanking God for sparing my life so that I could continue to be a part of theirs.
Even in time of difficulty, you still see the hand of God. He orchestrated the doctor on call, who is a Christian. He orchestrated the family and friends that would take care of my children for 5 days. My family did so much for us that week. My sister and mom took care of my children the first two days, losing sleep to stay up with a screaming newborn. Babygirl was 5 weeks old, so not many people sign up for getting up every 2-3 hours to feed a baby. However, Jason and I are blessed with some stellar friends. They helped my family out by taking the kids part of the week. She and her husband took turns getting up in the night with babygirl. In addition, to their 5 kids, they took our 4 with them downtown to look at the Christmas lights. I had church family bringing us food for weeks. Friends and Family coming to the hospital to encourage my heart. Text, FB messages, emails, letter of encouragement and lots and lots of prayer.

This picture was taken by my sister, when my doctor finally let her bring up babygirl. I had been away from her for two days at that point.
I remember focusing on this verse last year. This Sunday, our pastor read it and it reminded me of not only the beauty of it but how much I love it. "For He who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is His name." Luke 1:49 This was true for Mary, but it's very true for Amanda. It's also true for you! As Christmas, quickly approaches, I hope you hold your family close and remember the great things our Savior has done for you! Merry Christmas!!!