
My Joys, Trials, and Lessons in Motherhood

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Right Place at the Right Time

When baby girl was born I had accomplished my greatest feat. I had a C-section with my 4 year old and was praying for a natural VBAC. After 6 hours of a VERY natural labor she arrived in her 8lb 11oz glory. I was so thankful that God had answered such a humble and pain agonizing request. I had planned to nurse her, however, when she was 5 weeks old I had a ruptured appendix with a large abscess and was hospitalized for 5 days. I was on 3 different antibiotics and was too sick to keep nursing…..enter formula. I was not excited about this added expense for our family. I began “extreme couponing” for formula. I refused to pay $26.00 a tub and was pretty excited about how cheap I was getting formula between coupons, formula checks (for myself and from others) I was paying for one container and pretty much getting the second for free.

Recently, the formula checks haven’t been coming and I’ve been paying full price for the containers and longing for the days when formula is long gone! Today, I was in Publix with all four kids, I was distracted, I was pulled to the side reading a lengthy text I had received. I heard an “Excuse me, how old is your baby?” I looked up and saw a gentleman in front of me holding an Enfamil coupon. I told him she was 7 months. He looked down and said “Oh, she’s too old for this coupon, it’s for the newborn formula.” I just smiled and said I would happily take it to my church as I have several friends that had just delivered or were about to. Somehow I must have mentioned that I used formula because he asked what brand of formula I used. I told him what type of Enfamil I used and he explained he was a representative for Enfamil. He asked that I wait and he would see what he had in his car. SCORE! I was going to get an awesome coupon for her formula. He walked into the store with TWO cases of her type of Enfamil!!! Each case contained 6 cans of Enfamil. I felt myself becoming teary as I thanked him over and over for his generosity, he kindly smiled and said “I hope that brightened your day.” He had no idea. I looked to my older, two children were just as awe struck. What a great opportunity to share how God takes care of his own. The story does not end there……

I was checking out and the gentleman appeared in front of me again. He sheepishly said, “I know this is going to sound strange, but something is telling me to take care of this baby for you.” He handed me his card and proceeded, “when those cases run out, please call me. Do not buy any more formula. Let us provide formula for her. I don’t know why but something is telling me to do this for you.” I quickly said, “God. He’s the One telling you to do this. He’s providing for our family.” This was just another testament to show that even though life doesn’t always go how I planned or want that He is still caring and watching over us. I couldn’t beam more out of shear excitement that my children witness God today. They saw that He will take care of us-always!

He is your praise, and He is your God, who has done great and awesome things for you which your eyes have seen.

Deuteronomy 10:21


  1. Thanks Ladies....I'm still have chills about it. What an awesome experience for my children to see and be old enough to remember! Love it and excited to see what he has for our family! :)
