Most Saturdays are a lazy day at the Wagner house. I will try to sleep as long as baby girl will let me and I try to avoid laundry and housework so I can enjoy my husband’s day off. This particular Saturday, I had decided to meet a friend for tennis. I sprung out of bed at 6:45 and fed baby girl laid her back down and headed out the door proud of myself that I was up early and going to get a workout. After about 3 hours of tennis and chatting I stopped by my mom’s to see my nephews and began my way back home, patting myself on the back that it was 11am and I had already felt so accomplished. My husband needed to run some errands so he took the middle girls and my son and I hung out while baby napped. My husband returned home and I realized that I needed to run to the store for our Father’s Day menu. My son, baby girl, and I hopped in the car with a quick trip to a main retail store then to a grocery store. We ran into the retail store and grabbed what we needed and headed to the supercent. I made a mental note of the pricing of a gift I had wanted to get for my Father. We ran into the supercenter and quickly loaded our cart, I checked the price of the same item and saw that it was cheaper at the retail store. As we were checking out, I’m hearing thunder and feeling annoyed “why didn’t I just buy the item at the retail store and return it if it was cheaper at the supercenter??” We quickly loaded the groceries in the car and raced back to the retail store. I told my son, “this is going to be quick, we’re just grabbing the item and heading out.” Little did I know.
I decided to carry baby girl since this was a “quick” trip. We hurried to the back of the store purchased the item and then quickly scurried down the aisles to exit the store. I had just looked at my son and make a remark like “we’re doing pretty good, I think we’ll make it to the car before the storm.” Then it happened….my left foot caught some sort of liquid and shot straight out in front of me and I slammed to the ground on my right knee. I had baby girl in my arms so I know I leaned back so I wouldn’t drop her. After I realized that I had fallen I felt my face get hot out of shear embarrassment and I tried to stand up but was off balance with holding the baby. Next thing I know this lady with her cart of kids pulls through the racks and says in her loud southern voice, “Are ya’ll okaaaaaay?” I slowly stand up and say I’m fine and was thankful I hadn’t dropped my daughter. Jonathan spotted a staff member and he came over to wipe up the small puddle. I kept staring at the small amount of liquid wondering how I slipped in it. I just wanted out of there fast!! The lady proceeds to tell me about the time she fell in a store and how she had to file a report and encouraged me to do the same. I said I was ok even though my knee and leg were aching, I knew my pride was hurt the most. The staff member happened to be the store manager “GREAT!” She had me fill out all this paperwork and then asks to see my knee to see if there was swelling or bruising. Now, I have to show my leg to this lady…..I wanted to preface that I just had a baby and was currently working on toning the leg she was about to stare at. As I stick my leg out I realize that I had forgotten to lotion my legs! Therefore, she is pushing and prodding my ashy leg. I was mortified!!! There’s only so much humiliation a person can take!
On the way home I couldn’t help but giggle to myself. My son asked it I was hurt and I said my leg was sore but I was sure I was fine. He said “is it ok to laugh about it now?” We laughed and I said how watching someone wipe out is pretty funny. I rehearsed the story to my husband and good friend. My friend chuckles and says, “I wish I could see the security tape”. I swallowed hard, “I hadn’t thought of that!!” My imagination ran wild as I pictured two security guards laughing and rewinding my fall and then playing in slow motion as they waved their friends in to watch……humiliating! I’m reminded that humility is a becoming character quality and maybe the Lord is reminding me I need more of it.
I’m sorry to say so but, sadly, it’s true that Bang-ups and Hang-ups can happen to you. -Dr. Seuss
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